beko dishwasher showing e01 code

our dishwasher stopped working, displayed E01 code and whenever closed was running drain pump all the time. i’ve called their support and learned it’s a known anti-flood feature and is caused by water that leaked gradually out of dishwasher and stayed in its base. solution? makes you wonder why does the water leak out of ... Read More

random things that inspire me

SQLite’s code of ethics: altamira’s ten investment commandments

charging Amazfit Band 5

i’m a happy user of Amazfit Band 5. it’s dirt cheap, paired with gadgetbridge – works fine without sharing any data with cloud-hosted big brother, all in all – it helps to keep me moving around each day. i had few occasions when i needed to charge it [ every ~2 weeks ] and did ... Read More

Fastly returning “Requested host does not match any Subject Alternative Names (SANs) on TLS certificate”, HTTP/421

due to $reasons we have an nginx-proxy that is a reverse proxy forwarding to Fastly CDN which, in turn, forwards back to our infrastructure. starting from the 2024-02-27 this stopped working, for some HTTP queries. most notably those using OPTION verb. response that nginx was getting from Fastly had HTTP/421 status code and payload: colleague ... Read More

Ohook – activating MS office

this might be useful, especially for environments where automated tests of MS-office-dependent applications are done: +

parallel rsync

rsync remains my main tool for transferring backups or just moving data between servers. but it has some pain points – e.g. rsync’s checksum calculation or ssh over which data is piped can easily saturate single CPU core before i run out of storage I/O or network bandwidth. how to parallelize it – based on ... Read More

resources for learning SQL

SQL basics: indexes: ‘modern’ SQL: fiddles – web-based sandboxes:

bug in postgresql’s GIN index

it’s a story without happy end. i’m absolutely sure there’s an index-corruption bug in PostgreSQL 13; since i have not seen any mention of it being fixed – it’s likely in the following releases as well. i’ve tried to get attention to it on the pgsql-bugs mailing list but i failed. likely because i’ve never ... Read More

Apache2: url-based exception for ProxyPass

i have apache2 reverse proxy which passes traffic to some application server. everything going to /server/ is handled by http://localhost:8000. i had to do one exception – serve content for /server/something.txt from a static file. here’s what i did:

rsync to exfat mount

exfat does not carry information about user/group ownership of files/directories, has less precise timestamps. to make rsync stop complaining about it i’m using:

using clickhouse-local to analyze archived log files

at work we’re hoarding log files. it’s a low-cost, low-tech solution: btrfs, some python script archiving /var/log/*.log, *.1 from hundreds of servers. we have a peace of mind that whatever it is – as long as it’s logging to that folder – we’ll have an archive of it. till now, whenever there was a need ... Read More