
i take care of one HP server with ILO remote access card. but recently i started having problems with using web applet to connect to it.

i get exceptions:

com.serverengines.rdr.EndOfStream: EndOfStream

i’ve tried using different ancient versions of jre – 1.4.2_13, 1.5.x, 1.6u7.. but it always gave me an error in the web browser.

i googled and at i found a hint to download directly a jar file and run it.

i just downloaded the jar from my ilo: , saved it on the disk and run with java [1.6.23.. slightly outdated but not ancient] – this time all went fine.

7 thoughts on “ilo

  1. Hello,

    I have the same issue and I was wondering, how did you run the M2.jar?
    I followed the link you were pointing at, but didn’t find any clue about that..

    Thanks in advance!

    1. first you’ll need to install JRE – 6u23 was what worked for me just fine – you will find link to it here. after the installation is done run cmd, go to directory where you have M2.jar: cd \temp\ and after that run java -jar M2.jar. i no longer have access to that HP server – maybe M2 can be also run with the latest java. if it does not and you used archival JRE i suggest you uninstall it – there were quite a lot of security issues fixed in java since 6u23 and it’s better not to use it especially as applet host in your web browser.

  2. I had the same issue with one of my 11 HP 110 remote servers. I could connect just fine to the others. Trying the /m2.jar idea produced no response from the server. Knowing the others were accessible indicated a problem with the iLo card in some way on the server, not my PC or its version of Java (6.30). Tried power cycling the server – no change. Decided to get colleague at remote site to pull power lead from server and wait 20 seconds – to clear the power to iLo card, restarted and bingo! All working again. hth someone.

    1. i have similar recurring problem with dell’s DRAC 5 cards. no firmware upgrade helped… they hang. in average one card every ~ 2-3 months in the population of ~30 servers. it seems the only fail-proof solution is ILo/DRAC + remote power control, but that’s overkill – at least for me.

  3. Thank’s a million! Just had the same problem. Reset of iLo Board didn’t help but starting the JAR file locally did. Perfect ;)

  4. Hey, this hint rescued our production and my day :-)))

    Thank you a lot (sending a virtual glass of beer)

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