audible / drm

i’ve made a mistake of buying an audiobook from before doing it i’ve briefly checked if the file will be provided in mp3; according to yes. in reality – no.

i’ve installed a prehistorically-looking AudibleManager, downloaded the book and… now what? there’s no option to export to mp3. after a while of googling i’ve found AAX to MP3 – open source and free converter of DRM-infested audible files to mp3s that i can later play on my phone without installing unwanted bloatware.

2023-04 update: i’ve succesfully used BookLibConnect to fetch AAX files and AaxAudioConverter to convert AAX to MP3.

2024-05 update: this time i’ve used Libation.

2 thoughts on “audible / drm

  1. As for me, I used to using convert Audible AAX books to MP3 by using AudKit Audible MP3 Converter. The converting speed is super amazing, which could reach 100X or even faster. Maybe you can have a try.

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