by a coincidence [process well described in this xkcd’s comics] i’ve stumbled on the definition of Benford’s law. since i have access to quite a lot of different economic & financial data i’ve decided to check if that law applies also to it.
while sopa/pipa legislation in the US seems to be postponed after a wave of protests acta in EU/Poland is doing just fine; acta possibly will be ratified [at least in Poland] without much of the mainstream attention. is pushing this law through the EU parliament going to be the only ‘success’ of otherwise pathetic polish ... Read More
i’ve been planning for a while to move away from apache2 as a reverse proxy in front of java appservs and start using nginx. i had two reasons: nginx can handle much better large number of concurrent connections [something we can make use of if we start using long-poll/comet], nginx gives more control over buffering ... Read More
i’ve upgraded few vmware esxi 4.1 servers with the latest patches and… obviously something got broken. i use ghettoVCB script to take weekly snapshots of the vms. scripts hanged last night on all servers.
i dont run query logging – more to avoid running out of the disk space on /var/log than for the performance reasons. but from time to time it’s good to be able to turn logging on to see what’s going on. in 5.1 and later versions it’s possible without restarting the mysqld.
most recent connector/j – 5.1.16 does not seem to work with sphinx search 0.9.9. i did not find [yet] actual cause of the problem but going back to 5.1.15 solved the problem for now.
i’ve run into nasty instability in mysql’s query execution plan joining few tables with 10s of millions of rows. mysql 5.1’s innodb_stats_sample_pages seem to solve the problem.